Projects tagged Land Projects

Browse 6 Projects tagged “Land Projects”


Active Projects

Electric ATV Mower
Electric ATV Mower

EV Battery powered Quad/ATV tow-along Mower

Geothermal Polytunnel
Geothermal Polytunnel

Extending the growing season with geothermal storage of height under a polytunnel

Food Forest #2 - Pembrokeshire
Food Forest #2 – Pembrokeshire

1 acre food forest at my home in Pembrokeshire

Food Forest #1 - Ceredigion
Food Forest #1 – Ceredigion

1/4 acre experimental food forest

Completed/Archived Projects

Weather Bot
Weather Bot

A Raspberry Pi weather station – environment sensors, site surveillance & time-lapse

Plant a Book
Plant a Book

Planting trees with a portion of book revenues

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