Weather Bot
A Raspberry Pi weather station – environment sensors, site surveillance & time-lapse
Built to watch over my fledgling food forest in West Wales, this Weather Bot was a small side project; combining my hardware & software building skills with my new permaculture intent made a lot of sense. In a way this was the beginning of me trying to live like a techno-peasant.
Tagged: Experiment, Food Forest, Land Projects, Maker, Open Source, Permaculture, Python, Raspberry Pi
I built the weather bot on the side, in about a month. It was a fully solar-powered, standalone tree-watching sentinel. I stood this up in the field in January 2016, and for the following two years it watched over the trees.
While I learned a lot building this weather station, it wasn’t a categoric success. I’ve got a chunk of sensor readings, and photographs, but sadly there was a glitch in the power supply, (or software), and so a lot of the data was corrupted.
- Learned a lot more python
- Got to grips with a variety of Pi sensors, (calibrating the Anemometer with my brother in a car was fun!)
- Successfully rigged a long-standing solar Pi setup
- A fun side-jaunt to play with hardware
The biggest lesson here is that while we can build cool stuff on the side, it doesn’t always mean we should. Sometimes (despite the ADHD), it’s more efficacious to double down on our central project.
The Weatherbot