Next week I’ll be fully launching my latest project: CoupleFlow, (project page here).
CoupleFlow is a Telegram Bot which (privately and securely) sits in the Telegram chat between you and your partner. It anonymously observes your DMs and collects together AI based insights on how you’re communicating, giving you subtle prompts to help you grow together.
Each week @CoupleFlowBot will give you a review (check-in) with analysis on your past weeks communications, highlighting successes, and offering up ways to improve (based on the latest science on creating and sustaining happy, healthy relationships).
Why did I build Couple Flow?
As part of my year of experiments I’ve been exploring lots of new technology. AI has obviously been at the forefront of my experiments, but I also love Telegram and have wanted to explore the Telegram Bot API for a while.
As well as to improve my own relationship comms, I also noticed that my peers online had started to copy paste their own couple chats into ChatGPT. The results were mixed, but I could see that if some of the harsher insights could be negated, there was a big opportunity here to genuinely help people improve the way they talk to their significant other.
So this project was a mixture of scratching my own itch, genuinely wanting to help people have less friction in their lives, and a great excuse to learn a new API.
How did development go?
Tooled up with Cursor AI and my own libraries, development of CoupleFlow went really well. I continue to be amazed at how quickly I can go from idea to fully fledged, secure and stable apps.
The Telegram Bot API ‘just works’, and previous projects from this year have given me a solid basis to write really effective prompts.
Mix all that with a genuine curiosity for Transactional Analysis and the patterns we all bring to our important partnerships, and I thoroughly enjoyed making this legit couple insight tool.
Where can I try CoupleFlow?
You can get started with Couple Flow here, all you need is Telegram and 5 minutes to set up the chat.
I’ll be fully launching CoupleFlow next week, so head over to and get connected for the special free event for December: Adult Advent Calendar.
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