Category: Experiments

  • Small Bet Models

    Small Bet Models

    12 Different approaches to small bets As part of this years experimental entrepreneurship process I thought I’d explore a range of models rather than relying on my ‘known’ entrepreneurial mode (Freemium SaaS/WordPress plugin based business). Below I’ve collected together the different approaches I’m going to explore as small bets. These are well documented in the…

  • Small Bet Experiments

    Small Bet Experiments

    2024 Biz lab For those who haven’t read my 2024 experiments post, this year I’m back behind the macbook and writing code / exploring new business opportunities. I took a break last year after selling my company, and now it’s time to add value again. The Plan This year started out quite fluid. I’m writing…

  • A Year of Experiments

    A Year of Experiments

    Now that I’m back from my sabbatical, after burning out for the second time, I’m going to approach this whole ‘work’ thing radically differently than I have before. This year I’m going to embrace my experimentalist side. In this post I’ll keep a running log of my experiments (list below), which I hope will help…