Entrepreneurship, Making things; Creative life

  • Small Bet Models

    12 Different approaches to small bets As part of this years experimental entrepreneurship process I thought I’d explore a range of models rather than relying on my ‘known’ entrepreneurial mode (Freemium SaaS/WordPress plugin based business). Below I’ve collected together the different approaches I’m going to explore as small bets. These are well documented in the…

  • Small Bet Experiments

    2024 Biz lab For those who haven’t read my 2024 experiments post, this year I’m back behind the macbook and writing code / exploring new business opportunities. I took a break last year after selling my company, and now it’s time to add value again. The Plan This year started out quite fluid. I’m writing…

  • Burnout Nutrition

    I tried 30 different fatigue supplements while healing my CFS/ME (I’ve had two bad burnouts in the past 10 years, both lasted me years, both scattered my life all about the place). Here’s which ones worked for me

  • Coming back from health challenges to kick entrepreneurial arse, one step at a time

    The Warm-up

    Fuck perfectionism. Fuck expectations. Fuck caring what people think. My needs matter. I trust myself that I’ll make epic shit. I commit to getting started, compassionately. I commit to making things which help others, without hurting me. LFG.

  • A Year of Experiments

    Now that I’m back from my sabbatical, after burning out for the second time, I’m going to approach this whole ‘work’ thing radically differently than I have before. This year I’m going to embrace my experimentalist side. In this post I’ll keep a running log of my experiments (list below), which I hope will help…

  • Burnout: My story of chronic fatigue, neurodiversity, tech, and my shadow side

    … or how I came back from the brink. Dark times born from youthful best intentions, blind spots, and misuse. I’m on my way out of this chronic state, but it has been a massive growth journey. Join me as I collect my spiralling journal threads and piece together a way forward, sharing with you…

  • Back from sabbatical

    As of today I’m back from my sabbatical. It’s been almost 7 years since I’ve written here, and I’ve really missed it. I think having 2 quite major burnout events and other life challenges made me quite internalised; and naturally that put my writing firmly into my daily journal, and out of the WordPress editor.…

  • WA AFK ~ Rest & Recover

    To rest, to recover. Last summer my overworking lead to burn-out, which spawned panic attacks – the strongest signal yet. Since then I’ve been hammering back “work” to a state where I can step away for a while. Work had got out of hand. I built my business to allow me autonomy. I work mostly…

  • I will plant a tree for every pre-order of my new novel

    My first novel, Canopy Harvest, launches on 30th March, and for every copy I sell before then I will plant a tree. You can read more of on why I’ve chosen to do this here, and pre-order your own copy here, but this short post explains the reasoning and the method.

  • Why I’m going to plant a tree for every pre-order of Canopy Harvest

    I’ll plant a tree when you buy my book, because trees are the great stabiliser of our environment. They make our air breathable, improve our soils, and many feed us. I’ve burned myself out and exist in a compromised state after I dwelt in the sad truths of our species (massacres, war, environmental etc.). When…

  • Introducing Plant a Book

    This month I’m working on the launch of my first science-fiction novel Canopy Harvest, and to celebrate the release, I’m going to plant a tree for every copy pre-ordered. As this is my first book I’m not expecting flurries of pre-orders, but no matter what it takes I’m planning on planting a fruit, nut, or…

  • Introducing Alchemist Books

    Life wouldn’t be complex and stressful enough if I didn’t also start my own publisher this month! On March 30th 2017 I launch my first science-fiction novel, Canopy Harvest, and to launch in true in-house style, I’ve created Alchemist Books.