Oil Painting

Ongoing experiments with oil painting


As you can see from the broad range of stuff I’ve made, I often find myself exploring different means of expression. Whether it’s novel’s or maker stuff, I’ve always found that I have more ideas than outlets, and that part of my process absolutely requires ‘doing’ to refine or lay to rest ideas.

Oil Painting, for me, is a process of raw expression. The first 10 paintings I made were bleak, but they helped me see things from a new perspective.
Oil Painting
Status: In Progress
Updated: July 3rd 2018

Tagged: Art

Oil Painting

I found writing, (science-fiction), to be an excellent method of expressing ideas of technology, culture, and invention. In oil painting I found a way to express feelings and my internal landscape in a way I’d always been blocked from before.

My good friend Cara is a world class oil painter. She’s always inspired me. It was long ago that Is started painting, but I suspect it was her unknowing influence which lead me there.

Oil Painting Project: Image #15
My friend Miz with me at Norfolk Painting School

I’ve enjoyed two weekend classes at the Norfolk School of Painting, but my favourite painting setup is to drink french wine and listen to psychadelic rock in my stables (converted into a bare studio). I always did learn best by doing.

Makeshift Painting Studio
Oil Painting Project: Image #2
Painting in my stables
Oil Painting Project: Image #3

A Selection of My Work

Here follows a selection of my first work’s in a random order.

Oil Painting Project: Image #4Oil Painting Project: Image #5Oil Painting Project: Image #6Oil Painting Project: Image #7Oil Painting Project: Image #8Oil Painting Project: Image #9Oil Painting Project: Image #10Oil Painting Project: Image #11Oil Painting Project: Image #12Oil Painting Project: Image #13Oil Painting Project: Image #14Oil Painting Project: Image #16Oil Painting Project: Image #17Oil Painting Project: Image #18Oil Painting Project: Image #19Oil Painting Project: Image #20Oil Painting Project: Image #21Oil Painting Project: Image #22Oil Painting Project: Image #23Oil Painting Project: Image #25

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